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SQL Injection: What You Need to Know

What is SQL injection? SQL injection (SQLi) is an attack on a web application (among the most known along with XSS) that exploits a security vulnerability in a target software, in particular, it allows the attacker to do some operations on the vulnerable database.On the basis of past experiences, this kind of attack can be...

What is malware analysis and why is it important?

Are you familiar with malware analysis? It's an essential aspect of cybersecurity that deserves a closer look. In this article, we'll provide a concise yet comprehensive overview of malware analysis and walk you through the key steps involved in the process. Malware analysis is the systematic process of dissecting, understanding, and evaluating the functionality, origins,...

XSS in practice: how to exploit the Google XSS game

Just as a quick refresh: Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in Web applications. XSS enables attackers to inject client-side scripts into Web pages viewed by other users. An attacker can use a cross-site scripting vulnerability to bypass access controls such as the same-origin policy. For more details, before...

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Mastering SQL Injection on DVWA Low Security with Burp Suite: A Comprehensive Guide

In our previous tutorials, we meticulously dissected the art of executing SQL injections manually, ensuring a robust understanding of its intricate mechanics. Now, with that foundational knowledge firmly in place, it's time to transition to a scenario that mirrors real-world cybersecurity practices. Tools become our primary allies in most professional settings, streamlining and enhancing our...